September 12, 2022

 Good Afternoon,

I hope you had a lovely weekend! Mine was super busy!

Today, in PE we played Gaga Ball. The students were divided into teams and were placed in an arena with a ball and were to try and hit other students below the knee by slapping the ball at each other. We made it more difficult by adding two balls. This is to teach students about teamwork and fair play.

In our Gratitude Journals today, the students wrote about dreams. Ones that they wish to achieve and ones that they have already completed. This is building our writing stamina and our idea processes. 

In Writing, we are continuing to finish our What if Everybody Did That class pages to create a book. Students are working on good copies with pictures and their sentences. 

In Math, we are continuing on with our area and perimeter unit. Today we discussed the relationship between centimetres, metres, and kilometres, while also discussing area of centimetres squared, metres squared and kilometres square and what we would be measuring with those units. 

We had our Makerspace orientation today! We learned about what a Makerspace was and what happens during our Makerspace time! We have our first Makerspace on Wednesday!

This afternoon, we started our silent reading time. We will be starting different steps of Cafe and Daily 5 once I am organized. Please make sure that your child is bring a book from home until we have time in the Library. 

We also did a Team Building activity that related to measurement where the students had to line up in order from shortest to tallest, but they couldn't talk. Then I challenged the students to try and line up in order of their birthdays without speaking as well. We then debriefed and discussed why one was harder than the other. 

In Science, we continued to look at Wetlands. We watched Bill Nye's video on Wetlands and the students followed along with a fill in the blank worksheet. We will continue to look at wetlands over the next few months. 

Our school's Terry Fox Run is next Wednesday September 21st. Start bringing Toonies for Terry sometime this week. 

I hope you have a lovely evening.  

Miss. Hillier


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