September 13, 2022

 Good Afternoon,

Hope you had a great day!

Toonies for Terry starts this week and will run until next Wednesday, when we will run our school Terry Fox run! So please bring your Toonies for Terry. 

This morning the students were in PE and it looked like they were playing with scoops and passing to another student. I was not in PE today so be sure to ask your child what they did!

In Music, we learned about the different notes to music and the difference between rhythm and beat. We practiced both and then played a rhythm and beat game with the rhythm sticks. We had to tap a rhythm with the sticks and try to all do it together without adding to the beat. 

We had our first fire drill today. The class did well, but there are still areas to work on being silent, serious, and safe while exiting and entering the building during this time. 

We continued with our What if Everybody Did That? project. We will be moving on to a differnt topic tomorrow on how to build narrative stories. 

In Math, we continued with area and perimeter. We discussed and demonstrated how to solve for area and perimeter as a class. The students then practiced on their own. 

We read Chapter 8 of Pax today! Ask you child to sum up what has happened so far!

This afternoon, students continued to silent read as I work on getting my Cafe set up. We also had orientation in the Learning Commons today and learned how the students can take out books. We will begin to take out books next week!

We did another spelling pre-assessment, so I can work on continuing to get to know your children as learners so I can better assist them during our different literacy blocks. 

The last thing we did today was begin Social Studies! As a class we discussed what we already knew about physical geography and what we wanted to learn more about during our learning. We then began to look at the different make up of our class based on the World map. We learned that there are so many different cultures in our classroom. We continued to move on by learning about how many people live in the world compared to our province of Alberta. We will continue to learn about physical geography of Canada and how Canada is made up. 

Hope you have a lovely evening!

Miss. Hillier


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