September 14, 2022

 Good Evening!

We had a lovely day at school today! 

The Terry Fox run is next Wednesday September 21. Please bring you toonies for Terry.

Our gratitude prompt today was discussing how we would like to make the world better and the steps that we would take to do this.

In Writing, we are starting our new unit on writing stories! We read a story today called the Raven and the Loon. It is an Indigenous story that discusses flaws animals have and how these flaws lead to new traits that the animals gain. Ask your child about the story and what they learned. We will be reading other stories that relate and then begin to plan and storyboard for our own stories. 

In Math, we continued with working on area and perimeter! We learned today that rectangles can have the same area without having the same perimeter as well as rectangles can have the same perimeter without having the same area. We will continue to explore this topic until Friday!

We read Chapter 9-11 today of Pax! It is getting interesting! Ask you child to summarize the events so far.

This afternoon, we did our silent reading time. We started our CAFE time today as well. We sat down as a class and discussed how we choose a book that is a good fit for the person picking. We will be using an acroynmn calle IPICK! Please make sure your child is reading and choosing good fit books. We also discussed the expectations for reading when you are reading to yourself!

For our team building activity today, we did Snowball Fight. Students had to write a question on a piece of paper, then crumple it up and throw it across the room. After about 2mins we stood in a circle and then each read the question and answered it. It was a lot of fun! We learned a lot about our class. 

In Science, we continued with Wetlands. Today we discussed more in depth about Wetlands. We learned there are two different types and then we learned the different names of the different types. We continued on to learn the different zones of the wetlands and came up with a list of plants and animals that live in the zones. We then learned about different speices of animals. We will be moving on to researching these different creatures and creating posters!

I hope you have a lovely evening!

Miss. Hillier 


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