September 29th, 2022

 Good afternoon!

Hope you are able to take part in some Indigenous activities tomorrow for National Truth and Reconciliation Day! There is NO school tomorrow in honour of this day! So please enjoy the long weekend. Please make sure that you fill out the consent to be photographed so I can post pictures of your children doing activities at school! I will be contacting parents who have not done this to double check their consent. 

Today in PE, the students played Gaga Ball to start. Once the students were eliminated they were to take part in one of three Indigenous games. There was the hoop darts, which the students took turns trying to throw a feather in the center of the hula hoop. The next game they could try would be double ball, where students each use a stick to try and pass a double ball (two balls attached together by a string in the middle) to one another. The last game they got to try was the ring and the stick game, where students will use a stick that has a small ring tied to it and they start with the ring on the ground, then flick the stick up so the ring goes into the air and students then try to catch the ring on the stick. The students had a blast!

In our Gratitude Journals today we wrote about what the students had learned about residential schools that they hadn't learned before.

In Writing, we analyzed a beginning and I asked them which of the four different beginnings it was. We then questioned as to what we thought was going to happen next. Students will begin to write their beginnings next week. 

In Math, we continued to work on building up our confidence of adding and subtracting bigger numbers. Please practice adding and subtracting at home with your child on basic facts. This will help later down the road when we begin to do word problems and other problems that relate to basic facts. 

We read Chapters 21-23 in Pax today! A lot happened, get your child to tell you has been happening!

In Makerspace today, the students got to build and create items that they were proud of!

We finshed up our discussion on Orange Shirt Day by taking a walk to see the bison outside of the school and learn more about residential schools. We walked past the Leaves on the Learning Commons wall to learn and read what the other students thought how students should feel in school! We also finished the book I Am Not A Number and had a discussion about the routines that the school children at residential schools went through. 

We are contiuning to build our Wetland posters about animals and their adaptations in the wetlands!

Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss. Hillier


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