September 8th, 2022

 Good Afternoon!

What a day that we had! We had an amazing day! 

This morning we played a fun game in PE called Down the Chimmney! We had to throw dodgeballs into the mats that were placed out and velcoroed together in a cylinder! Each 'chimmney' was worth points and at the end we tallied up the points of each team! It was so much fun! 

After that we continued on with our Gratitude Journals where we had to write about the most beautiful place that we had ever visited! I read and discussed some of those places with the students and it was great to hear all the places that they had visited!

We continued on with our Writing Prompt today and I get to read about the students' summer break or what they are nervous or excited about for Grade 5! I am excited to learn about who they are as people!

In Math, we continued to discuss perimeter and area. We created Perimeter and Area People today on Grid Paper and calculated the perimeter and area of our characters! There is still some work to be done on some! 

We continued to read Pax and read Chapter 4 and 5 today! The students' visual journals look amazing as each student is using different techniques and ideas to draw and write about what they hear and comprehend in the novel!

This afternoon we went on our walking Field Trip to the Coventry Hills Storm Pond and the students wrote in their visual journals four of the five senses as to what they noticed when they were at the man-made wetland. We then came back and discussed what the students already knew about wetlands, and what they want to know about wetlands, in preparation for our Wetlands unit in Science.

I hope you have a lovely evening!

Miss. Hillier


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