September 9th, 2022

 Good Afternoon Parents and Guardians,

I want to start off by saying we had a lovely week. It has been great getting to know your children! 

Today, our gratitude prompt was for students to choose a childhood memory that they cherish and write about it and describe how it made them feel. I look forward to reading these memories and making connections with students.

We started a new mini project in Writing today based on the book What if Everybody Did That? We read the book and enjoyed the pictures and silliness of the book. After that we discussed the meaning behind the book, and we came up with ideas that revolved around being responsible; monkey see, monkey do; how the bad thing that you do can create chaos if everyone did it. The class then brainstormed bad ideas that you could do that would create chaos if everyone did it. The students then picked an example idea for us to do as a class. The last piece of this writing assignment was for students to create their own 2-3 sentence phrase that related to the pattern of the book to help the class create our own class book related to What if Everybody Did That?

In Math, we finished up the Perimeter and Area People. Those students that were done got a math challenge question that related to perimeter. The students worked on this problem throughout the majority of the math time and we will discuss it on Monday. 

We continued to read Pax and read chapter 6! 

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Miss. Hillier


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