Good afternoon Families!
Make sure that your child is coming to school with the right clothing. It is becoming colder and students should be dressed for the weather. This includes mitts/gloves, hats/earmuffs/headbands, jackets, boots and snowpants (if they want to play in the snow). Please continue to think and send in pictures or videos of you doing fun fall activities as a family for the NLS Fall Family Favourite Video.
Please read the note from the Literacy Committee this week!
Dear Families,
This week is Literacy Week! There are a few spirit days this week to help us celebrate and get in the literacy spirit.
· Teacher Swap Book Reading – October 25th
Teachers will travel to a different classroom to read a story to a different class.
· Whole School Read Out – October 26th
Everyone in the whole school will go out to the field, pick a spot and read outside.
· Stop Drop and Read Day – October 27th
Several times during this day the students will hear an announcement to stop, drop and read.
We hope these spirit days will get everyone get even more excited about Literacy at Northern Lights School!
The Literacy Week Committee
Scavenger hunt that is happening at school.
Literacy BINGO to be done with the family at home
In PE, the students played a version of dodgeball where they had to knock balls off of their posts. If the students knocked it off then they could take the balls to their side of the gym.
In Writing, we worked on being more descriptive about characters and think of questions we can use to help develop and elaborate our writing. We used Three Billy Goats Gruff as our example and took the troll from the bridge and described him in detail.
In Math, we did our practice questions for our basic facts. Please continue to practice basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with your child at home. If you need ideas on how to do this please feel free to send me an email and I can send ideas home. We also continued to work on our algebra skills by practicing using a game. It is called I have, Who has game where students have a card and they have an equation and then have a riddle where another student will have the equation. We worked as a class with whiteboards to help those who were struggling. We went over different words for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing so the students would be familiar with the words on the cards.
For Thirst, we continued on with the mini project from last week.
In Makerspace, the students had the task of creating a witch or something related to a witch at the different stations.
For health today, we discussed how we say stop in a firm voice so that the person we are saying it to understands that it is bothering us or making us feel sad. We watched a video on Social Skills and what to do when we think bad things and how we should not say them. We need to Think before we Speak.
In Social, we discussed the book
Eh? to Zed a bit more and then the students were to use their knowledge of Canada to add to a Scattergories sheet with specific categories on it. Once complete the students were to use a word cloud generator with a Canadian shape to show off their words.
I hope you have a lovely evening!
Miss. Hillier
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