October 27, 2022

 Good Afternoon!

A reminder we do not have school tomorrow as it is a PD day for us teachers! If you would like to see your child on the Blog doing fun activities please be sure to fill out the consent form for photos on the My CBE parent or guardian site. 

Students are allowed to wear costumes or orange and black on Monday! If a student is wearing a costume they need to make sure that it is a costume that allows them to work and is not a distrctions. No weapons or masks are allowed on this day! Also, please watch your child's lunch as we do not want lunches full of candy for Monday or Tuesday next week, please make sure it is balanced. 

In PE, the students played the same game as yesterday!

In Music, the students started creating their own body percussion to a song. They helped to create the rubric that will help me mark them. 

We reviewed what we have read in Thirst over the week. 

In Writing, students worked quietly on their beginning planning page. Once complete the students were to work on their Thirst project, do a gratitude prompt and then work on free reading, free writing or math related tasks. 

In the afternoon, we read our books independently or to someone or the students were to work on their Thirst projects. We had a couple times today to stop what we were doing and read. We watched the rest of the staff's favourite book videos. We also watched two groups of students finish their health skits about how to say a firm stop when talking to students who are bothering them or making fun of them. Students also helped me review what we have learned so far in our health lessons. 

The rest of the afternoon the students worked on their Halloween art projects. 

I hope you have a lovely weekend. 

Miss. Hillier 


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