November 17, 2022
Good afternoon Families!
Please be sure to sign up for Conferences on the My Conferences website. Conferences are next Thursday and Friday.
A reminder to look at Mrs. Brinson's emails, there are notes in there about the Happy Hungry and Treat days so you can order for them.
In PE, the students played the same game as yesterday and got to vote on the name of the game.
In Music, students are doing research projects on Canadian Musicians and Bands. It is surprsing to see their faces when I show them different musicians that are Canadian and they didn't know.
In Math, we continued to do our decimal work. Today we did a Which One Doesn't Belong getting the students to use the brain and explain why certain boxes of numbers did not belong. They had to make sure that they gave a reason why. We then worked on identifying different images and writing out the decimals in the correct manner.
We began to look at the main event of our stories. We discussed the different features that are involved in the main events such as the action sequences that are going to occur, being more descriptive and describing an event or setting that is happening in the main event, adding dialogue and expression to the main event discussing what is happening or maybe how they got here and lastly, adding the thoughts and feelings of the characters within this scene. The students then had time to think about our class story and begin to add and describe details revolving around that. We will then add that to our class story before they begin to plan their own main event.
This afternoon, I introduced a new piece that will be added to the classroom schedule, called Word Work. This is where students will be working on building their vocabulary and spelling skills while working independently in groups while I work with other groups to help guide their learning on phonics skills and language skills. We will be continuing this throughout the year.
The last thing we did was work on our Thirst and Canadian diversity project, which revolves around symbols of Canada and of India. The students are enjoying learning more about themselves and their cultures, as am I.
Have a lovely evening!
Miss. Hillier
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