November 23, 2022
Good evening!
Today in PE, they continued learning how to curl!
In Music, the students are continuing to research and learn about Canadian musicians. They are going to begin practicing for their performances.
Today, we had a mystery meeting with a class who is also reading our class novel Thirst. We asked questions back and forth asking where they were located, popular foods in the area, their favourite parts of Thirst, and predictions about Thirst. It was a very engaging and fun time.
In Math, did a bit of review, then the students had a task related to our review and our lesson. After they finished the task they were to move on to their math stations, while I worked with a small group building their skills with decimals.
Students had some time to continue to write their main event. We are going to continue to build these to help create the biggest part of our stories.
This afternoon, we introduced a new reading station. It is reading response. It is where students think of books they have read, a book they are reading, or using our class novel study to write out answers to questions to help them think about what they are reading and connections they can make.
Students also had a chance to go and check out the Book Fair that is currently at our school! Students and parents can enjoy the book fair when they come for interviews. Parents who have not booked interviews with their child can still come with their child to look and buy items at the book fair.
After that students came back and continued to work through their Word Work.
Lastly, the students continued to work on their Province Task. Researching and creating their posters.
Enjoy your evening.
Miss. Hillier
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