December 12, 2022

 Good evening Families!

Tomorrow is Festive Sock Day! Wear socks that are festive if you have some! Wednesday is Hunger Treat Day! Thursday is Festive Hat Day! So much to enjoy during the month of December. 

In PE, the students played a game that involved scooters! Looked like a blast!

In Music, the students are presenting their Canadian Music Artist projects. They have been doing really well!

In Math, we continued to work on ordering decimals. We learned a new strategy that can help determine which number is bigger when we look at tenths, hundredths, and thousandths. We then cut out different pages with numbers to order to practice ordering the numbers in different ways so the students could see it visually and manipulate it.

This afternoon, the students worked on their second set of Word Work words and continued to practice noticing the patterns in words, while learning new words. 

In Science, the student partook in a simulation as to how an oil spill reacts when it leaks into water. The students were trying to clean up the oil from the water the best that they could. They had many materials to try and get the oil out of the water. The students were to note their observations on their lab paper. We also discussed how a feather would act based on how the oil mixes with water and what would happen to those birds. We will continue this dicussion in our next Science class. 

Have a great evening! 

Miss. Hillier 


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