December 13, 2022

 Good afternoon!

A reminder tomorrow is Healthy Hunger day! Kernels will be dropped off tomorrow. Thursday is Festive Hat day! 

In PE, the students are working with scooters and it looks like so much fun!

In Writing, students are working on wrapping up their pieces of writing with their ending. We have discussed the different strategies to use when ending a piece of writing. So, the students are going to wrap up their stories by using two of these strategies, revealing the character's trait that they learn about themselves, and revealing the adaptation that their character has gained from its journey! 

In Math, the students reviewed the decimal place value strategy that was learned over the last couple of classes. We then discussed comparing decimals and reviewing what the <, >, = mean when comparing numbers. Students then practiced this task with 15 questions. 

In Word Work, students worked with their groups to find different words that followed the patterns of their words. It was good work. 

In Makerspace, we got some new materials, and the students got to play with them. Some students created mazes and obstacle courses for the coding mice and the code-a-pillar. Other student used the materials to build and create different items.

In Science, the students completed their work from the lab yesterday and continued on the worksheet about Chemistry from the other day! We will continue to discuss and work on other topics related to Chemistry.

Only a few more days until break! Please remind your child to be kind and respectful during this time! 

Have a great evening. 

Miss. Hillier 


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