December 14, 2022

 Hello Families,

It is Festive Hat day tomorrow! You can wear a festive hat to celebrate the holiday season. 

In PE, the students played a memory type game and if they didn't get 'presents' they had to do an exercise. 

In Music, the students are wrapping up presenting their Canadian music projects! They have been great!

In Math, we are still working through decimals and we will be moving on to a new topic tomorrow within decimals! It is very exciting! 

In Writing, we are wrapping up our stories! The students are working on their endings!

In Word Work, the students were quizzed on their words this week and will get new words, in the coming days!

In Science, we went over some important vocabulary that students will needs for future science experiments we will be doing!

Have a great evening! 

Miss. Hillier


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