December 19, 2022

 Good afternoon Families!

It's so close, the elusive winter break is coming up soon. We only have a few days left! Please make sure that your child is bundled up this week because it is super cold outside. Please remind students to take their lunch kits, any food products they may have at school and their shoes if they are not coming for the week. 

It is Festive Sweater Day tomorrow! So you can dress up in your most festive sweater related to winter, Christmas, or another holiday that you celebrate at this time! 

Please make sure to send the Hot Chocolate form back by Thursday!

This morning, in PE, the students started the Mission Impossible unit! It looks like it was super fun!

In Writing, students are wrapping up their stories. Those that are complete will have a chance to do some fun writing about the holiday season. 

In Math, we touched base on rounding numbers. We will do more rounding tomorrow with a project. 

We continued to read our class novel Restart. It is getting very interesting. 

This afternoon, we did our reading stations and had our creative Makerspace time! 

We also wrote in our gratitude journals. The prompt today was:

In Science, we discussed solute and solvent. We had to identify it on a picture.

Stay warm!

Miss. Hillier


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