January 11, 2023

 Good afternoon Families,

Today the kids played Crazy Basketball in PE.



  • Same as the last two days, instead of using an actual basketball, they will be using a bunch of random equipment
  • Since it would be too hard to dribble, we are going to change up the rules a little bit as well
  • When a student gets the equipment they are allowed to take 0-3 steps
  • They then must pass or shoot on the net
  • Students can only hold onto the object for 5 seconds
  • If you are on defence, you must stay an arm’s length away from the person with the equipment
  • You cannot rip the equipment out of someone’s hands
  • Discuss Offence & Defence strategies
    • Offence: Try to find open space so your team can pass to you
    • Defence: Try to cover someone so they can’t get the equipment



  • Yesterday I would let them play for a couple minutes and then every time the music stopped they would return the equipment and I would throw out something new.
  • After a while I just had one colour switch sides

In Writing, we continued learning about grammar. Today, we learned about ending punctuations and when to use them appropriately. 

In Math, students participated in their math centers and then practiced their decimals. 

We read a couple more chapters of Restart. 

In the afternoon, the students participated in their reading startions. While also getting creative by showing a birds-eye view of an area using any materials they wished. 

In Social, we continued learning about regions and learning how to take effective notes. 

In Science, we finished our stations for properties of water. 

Have a good evening.

Miss. Hillier


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