January 16, 2023

 Good afternoon Families,

This is Miss. Hillier's last week with us, as she has another opportunity at another school for the remainder of the year. If you have questions, please contact the office. 

In PE, today, the students practiced their skipping skills. First, the students set it down and practiced jumping front and back or side to side. At the end of the class, the students tested themselves to see who could do it the longest. 

In Music, we practiced a new pattern game called Sevens. Have a look here: Sevens.

We read more of our novel Restart. 

In Math, we practice understanding positional coordinates on a coordinate plane. We used our knowledge from our life size coordinate plane from Friday. Then we did our math centers. 

In Writing, we learned about coordinating conjunctions and how they fix our run on sentence. We watched a rap about FANBOYS, then applied it to our writing. 

This afternoon, we did our reading stations. We continued to work on our Arctic social notetaking skills, learning about the Inuit people and the Europeans. 

In Science, we learned about physical and chemical changes. We used this knowledge to write our own examples and do a word search with the terminology. 

Have a great evening!

Miss. Hillier 


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