January 17, 2023

 Hello Families, 

Today in PE, the students continued practicing their skipping skills. Today, we challenged them to practice doing some tricks with their skipping. We watched a video of a world skipping champion. He was pretty impressive! Here are some of the tricks the students practiced:

In Writing, we continued on with our grammar skills and learned more about commas and also about apostrophes! The students then practiced putting these skills to the test.

In Math, students practiced plotting coordinates and shapes on the coordinate plane. Then students also practiced plotting shapes on the coordinate plane to show that coordinates are important in identifying a shape or location. Students will be working on a project over the next couple days related to all the topics based on coordinate planes. 

We read more of our class novel Restart! 

This afternoon, we rotated through our reading stations. We also went to makerspace where students had to use their imagination to create a scene they had read about from a book using the makerspace tools. These are some of the amazing masterpieces:

In Science, we discussed how we know when a chemical reaction is taking place and the importance of the pH scale because it will be useful for the upcoming science experiments we will be doing this week. 

Have a great evening!

Miss. Hillier


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