January 9, 2023

 Good afternoon Families,

Happy New Year and welcome back to the school term!

As I mentioned to your children and on one of my blog posts, I am back for two weeks to wrap things up with your children and report cards. My last day with your children will be January 20, 2023. 

This morning the students were excited to be back in the classroom and to see each other and their friends. I sent home their indoor shoes over the Winter Break so please remember to make sure your child brings them back in the coming days. 

In PE, the students started out the week with Crazy Soccer: 

  • For the most part, this is the same as any other games day (split them into teams, switch who they play each game, etc)
  • Normal soccer rules (no hands, only the goalie can go in the crease, don’t boot/kick the ball as hard as you can, start with a kick off)
  • The big change is that each game you will choose a different piece of equipment for them to use instead of a soccer ball
    • The choices are all on the cart, pick whichever you’d like for each game
  • Remind them of the skills we learned
    • Using the inside of the foot
    • Trapping the ball
    • Passing/Kicking = Step à Kick à Follow-through
  • Remind them to try different strategies to help their team be successful
    • Ex: Finding open space so your team can pass to you
  • At the end of class, discuss the differences in equipment
    • Were some easier/harder than others
    • What kind of strategies helped you be successful

The students had a blast!

In Writing, we had a class discussion on what we did over Winter Break. Then the students were to write a deacriptibe paragraph about what they did! It sounds like they did a lot over the break that I am excited to read about.

In Math, we reviewed what we had learned about Decimals. We reviewed how to add, subtract and round decimals.We will continue to review tomorrow. 

We read Chapter 9 of our class read aloud, Restart. 

The students worked on their reading stations to build their reading stamina and comprehension levels. 

In Makerspace, students were to create something that they did over the Winter Break out of any medium they felt they could use. Take a look at some creative ideas. 

In Science, we looked at what Surface tension is and what makes certain things float. They practiced highlighting important information and answering questions. 

Have a great evening!

Miss. Hillier 


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