
Showing posts from October, 2022

October 31, 2022

 Good afternoooon!  I hope all your children have a wonderful and safe Halloween tonight. Be safe tonight with your kids. Make sure that tomorrow you are not sending candy or snacks with peanuts in them as there are allergies in the school. Also, students should only be bring one piece of candy to have at LUNCH TIME.  Today in PE, the students had Freedom Frenzy! Students all started with Gaga Ball and if they got eliminated they had to choose one activity to do while the Gaga Ball game was still going on. The activities they got to choose between were as follows: 1 – Basketball : Shoot on one of the basketball nets (remind them of shooting tips) 2 – Pumpkin smash challenge : Try knocking over soccer balls with a bean bag from different distances 3 – Hula Hoop They had a blast.  In Writing today, the students had to write a descriptive piece about how a piece of candy felt on Halloween. Some of the students wrote very elaborative details.  In Math, we did a glyp...

October 27, 2022

 Good Afternoon! A reminder we do not have school tomorrow as it is a PD day for us teachers! If you would like to see your child on the Blog doing fun activities please be sure to fill out the consent form for photos on the My CBE parent or guardian site.  Students are allowed to wear costumes or orange and black on Monday! If a student is wearing a costume they need to make sure that it is a costume that allows them to work and is not a distrctions. No weapons or masks are allowed on this day! Also, please watch your child's lunch as we do not want lunches full of candy for Monday or Tuesday next week, please make sure it is balanced.  In PE, the students played the same game as yesterday! In Music, the students started creating their own body percussion to a song. They helped to create the rubric that will help me mark them.  We reviewed what we have read in Thirst over the week.  In Writing, students worked quietly on their beginning planning page. Once comp...

October 26, 2022

 Good Afternoon! Tomorrow is Drop Everything and Read Day. There will be announcements on in the school that will tell us to drop what we are doing and read for some time. It will be a lot of fun! So bring a book you would like to read.  In PE, we played a game called Trick or Treaters. It was a ton of fun! This is how the game was played: Rules: 2 Teams   à   One team starts as trick or treaters (runners) and the other team starts as throwers The trick or treaters start in the safe zone at the far end of the gym, while the throwers start behind the pylons/benches on either side of the gym When the music starts, the trick or treaters will have 4-5 minutes (use personal judgement if it should be shorter or longer) to try and run to the other safe zone, grab a piece of candy (bean bag), and then try to run back. While they are doing that, the throwers are trying to hit them with a dodgeball If the trick or treaters do all that without getting hit, they get to add the c...

October 25, 2022

 Hello Families! I hope you had a lovely day! School was busy today! The students played the same game they did yesterday in PE.  In Music, we played Poison rhythm to warm up. We then watched a video about body percussion. The students will be creating their own body percussion in the coming classes.  We continued to work on our Thirst projects.  In Math, we did our four fluency questions and then we played a game. The students had to start at a card. On the card was an equation and they had to solve. The answer they got led them to another equation. If you did the sequence correctly, they would have ended up back at the card they started at, it was a loop game. This allowed students to practice solving algebraic problems.  In Writing, the students worked on adding elaborative detail to their beginnings. We will be moving on to adding to our story by adding the problem and the things leading up to the solving of the problem in the story.  In CAFE today, we ...

October 24, 2022

 Good afternoon Families! Make sure that your child is coming to school with the right clothing. It is becoming colder and students should be dressed for the weather. This includes mitts/gloves, hats/earmuffs/headbands, jackets, boots and  snowpants (if they want to play in the snow). Please continue to think and send in pictures or videos of you doing fun fall activities as a family for the NLS Fall Family Favourite Video. Please read the note from the Literacy Committee this week! Dear Families, This week is Literacy Week! There are a few spirit days this week to help us celebrate and get in the literacy spirit.      · Teacher Swap Book Reading – October 25th               Teachers will travel to a different classroom to read a story to a different class.      ·   Whole School Read Out – October 26th                Everyone in the whole school will go out t...